Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Agnes in Lebanon!

Well well...

Agnes Carlsson is a singer from Vänersborg (my hometown in sweden). She won "idol 2005" (or maybe 2006, I don't remember exactly). Anyhow...

The newspaper is writing about her today, watch this (klick on the photo to read the text):

for those of you who dont understand:
Agnes was in Lebanon, and now the newspapers is writing about her. She came to the country and was scared because some strange men with weapons took her to another room. And when she finally was done with these men, and was on her way to the place where her consert was going to be. A mad man stoped his car in the middle of the way, he was angry and he put a gun at the side of his pants.
I have been in Lebanon so many times and i have never in my life seen anything like this. Maybe they stoped her at the airport, but heeeeeeeey come on, why do you make such a big deal of it all? They saw a sweet young lady...
Sometimes i think that Sweden is too peacefull.

Lebanon is a wonderful country, I promise you !


  1. det måste vara nåt fel med visum ,alla kändisar har redan varit i libanon ,ingen kan stoppa nån utan anledning ,det klart det är obehagligt för agnes ,jag får åka med henne nästa gång då...

  2. oftaa!!! vilken jäkla otur!!! men hon är dum i huvud om hon ger upp i att gilla Libanon bara för det ;)

  3. haha ja gör det Jeel, det blir jättebra ;)

  4. Boooow, Tuahn hade inte gillat läget.
