Friday, March 11, 2011


Thank God, I'm still alive.

After a very nice evning at the new building Karlstad CCC (Conference Center), I had the long trip back to Vänersborg remaing.

We almost crashed into an animal at the begin of the trip... dont know what animal, but it was black and big-dog-look-a-like...scarry... so I tought maybe I should drive slowly after leaving my clasmate in Åmål...

Slowly... yes, that's how i passed the next animal on the road.
Kept on driving slowly... passing the train tracks the light suddenly turned into red and the bars started falling down, I got panik. Felt like my heart fell down to my feets and even if I tried to hurrie, it felt like the car didnt move. I donno how i got out of there, but i did =)
Maybe i shouldnt drive slowly :P

The road was so dark, with reflector poles the whole way.
Would you belive me if i said that the sky lited up when i saw the sign "VÄNERSBORG 1KM" ?
well it did... but at the same time it started snowing a LOT, just as if I pushed the botten"start snowing".
Anyway, I tought was getting closer to my warm bed. BUT Nix, in Vänersborg- the bridge opend up for a boat to pass and i had to wait even longer.

My emty parking!
It missed the car- so i stoped it there.
Mhm i realized... i forgot the key to my house.
Called mum many times untill she woke up, and finally. Now i can say, my trip is over.

After all i may say it was worth it. We got the opportunity to talk to other engineers from diffrent companies, it was nice food and nice people. I just wish we did more of these stuff during our education. It's too late now i guess...